Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Three Years Until The End Of A Fresh Start, So Don’T Unpack!

Three years until the end of a fresh start, so don’t unpack! This aphorism was the epitome of my childhood. My father was in the United States Navy, and we moved around a lot. During my adolescents I never actually called any place home, though some may find this heartbreaking (not having a place to call home), but I found it to be a blessing. These blessings came from all sorts of things (i.e. the exposure to different cultures, classes, and traditions), which I wasn’t able to fully appreciate as a child. However, in retrospect, as an adult who has been educated on the strengths of being exposed to different cultures. I am now able to appreciate the multiculturalism, which has personified my childhood. Additionally, the privilege of†¦show more content†¦Hailey actually saved my life, her birth caused me to reevaluate who I was, where I was headed and what I needed to do. I knew that I had to get a job to support and provide for Hailey and the only job I could fine was during school hours, therefore placing her needs above my own I decided to drop out of school and get a job. As time went by, I began to reevaluate my life again. I wasn’t satisfied working minimum wage, washing dishes at one job, then stocking shelves at the other, so I decided to get my General Education Development (GED) certificate and then join the Army. I enlisted in the United States Army in the summer of 2005 and was quickly caught by surprise by how different the culture within the military truly was. People were valued by their rank, physical ability and marksmanship, not education, looks and wealth. I wish I could say my time in the Army was filled with crazy fun, and excitement, which there were plenty of both, however, my eight year enlistment was also filled with depression, heartache, loss and fear. I deployed three times during my career twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. I lost friends, soldiers and even got divorced during my deployments, but it was my last deployment that changed my life. During a routine patrol my vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), the explosion left me disoriented and concussed, however, I was able to get my guys out of harm’s way. The explosion screwed up my backShow MoreRelatedWalking the Muddy Path- Original Writing Essay4884 Words   |  20 Pagesand her bag-now s igned by all her friends- slung over her opposite shoulder. She felt somewhat saddened as she was leaving the city not knowing if she would ever return. Libby reached the top of the hill that over looked the city, it was so beautiful even if it was a view of blocks of high raised flats and factories but it was a view that Libby wasn’t going to see for a long time. She carried on walking down the path thinking about what she was going to do when she was got Read MoreDelivering A Start Up Loan For  ¬Ã‚ £ 40000 Essay1924 Words   |  8 PagesI am submitting my business plan to you in the hope of receiving a start-up loan for $40,000. I learned about your history of funding delivering centers, and my proposal takes mybusiness to the next level. We are an environment friendly deliver company and we use recycled products or use waste material to recycle into our own products. According to our research, consumers are looking for businesses that use environmentally friendly products. I have $20,000 inheritance from my family that I planRead MoreVerbs Tenses - Gap Filling Exercises11244 Words   |  45 Pages__________________ (help) my mother with the housework. 11. Where __________________ (Angela / go) at weekends? – She ____________ to the country. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Information and Communication Technology Free Essays

Spending on information and communications technology in 2005 Information and communications technology or information and communication technology,[1] usually called ICT, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT) but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), intelligent building management systems and audio-visual systems in modern information technology. ICT consists of all technical means used to handle information and aid communication, including computer and network hardware, communication middleware as well as necessary software. In other words, ICT consists of IT as well as telephony, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions. We will write a custom essay sample on Information and Communication Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now The expression was first used in 1997[3] in a report by Dennis Stevenson to the UK government[4] and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000. ICT is often used in the context of â€Å"ICT roadmap† to indicate the path that an organization will take with their ICT needs. [5][6] The term ICT is now also used to refer to the merging (convergence) of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives (huge cost savings due to elimination of the telephone network) to merge the audio-visual, building management and telephone network with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution and management. See VOIP and Intelligent Infrastructure Management (IIM). This in turn has spurred the growth of organizations with the term ICT in their names to indicate their specialization in the process of merging the different network systems. How to cite Information and Communication Technology, Essay examples Information and Communication Technology Free Essays One of the biggest problems faced by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry is the threat of hackers and their destructive operations. Many individuals, businesses and government organizations have lost billions of dollars to the activities of hackers. Hackers have different strategies of operating which keeps changing with the emergence of new technologies. We will write a custom essay sample on Information and Communication Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some hackers dispatch viruses to attack organization servers and personal systems. Such attacks, if successful, could result in the complete collapse of operations and activities of the targeted organizations and individuals. Other hackers cultivate expertise in forcing unauthorized access into systems. They find their way into sensitive information such as personal bank accounts and corporate financial statements strategic plans. These hackers then either destroy the information or use it for unlawful gains at the cost of the rightful owners. These nefarious activities of hackers have assumed such as menacing proportions that they have led to the growth of an entire industry dedicated to the protection of systems, networks and data from the threat of hackers. The field of network, systems and data security is interesting as the challenge is to anticipate every move of the hackers and putting up adequate defenses against them. It involves reading into the perverted and sometimes brilliant minds of individuals who are the criminals of the new digital era. The topic is of concern to everyone who has digital data stored on the World Wide Web or the Internet in one way or the other. Gamertsfelder., L., 2002, E-commerce: The Implications for the Law, e-Security. Available [Online] http://svc003.bne101v.server-web.com/Upload/PublicationUploads/publication106.pdf. (January 27, 2008) Gamertsfelder’s thesis statement for this article states that development of network security awareness in an organization works as an effective tool for combating risks against hacker activities. He argues that all organizations need to be familiar with the consequences of the weaknesses of the security environment in which they operate. This brings about a sense of security consciousness, and a better understanding of how to manage and safeguard networks against hacker attacks. It also leads to better appreciation of the problems faced by the network administrator. The article assesses the understanding of hackers’ activities both from the insider’s and outsider’s views. Several scenarios depicting the operations of real-life organizations are used to show how awareness of data security risk can aid an organization in strengthening its security shield. Different types of hacker attacks against data, both from the internal and external perspective, are elaborately used by Gamertsfelder to illustrate his argument about advantages of awareness of security lapses. This article is important as it shows how organizations can take stock of the lapses and breaches in their data security in devising ways to fight hackers. McGuire, B., L., Roser, S., N., 2001, What Your business Should Know About Internet Security Akauntan Nasional, April edition, Available [Online] http://domino.mia.org.my/mia/miaWeb.nsf/0/cedaa19385281c1b48256b830029c70b/$FILE/05Apr01(tech).pdf. (February 27, 2008) McGuire Roser’s thesis states that a company with a high level of information on how to make use of its internet security stands a lesser risk of website attack than an organization with lesser information. The article shows how organizations can utilize their websites effectively to curtail the activities of hackers. It also shows how companies who operate websites can identify possible threats and take adequate safeguards to effectively secure their sites. McGuire Roser gives step-by-step recommendations on how a company can secure its websites against attack. The article is concise and expresses its points in clear and applicable terms. The article contains significant material for those organizations that seek effective ways of securing their websites and internet operations information from hackers. Wong, S., 2003, The Evolution of wireless Security in 802.11 networks: WEP, WPA and 802.11 Standards, SANS Institute, Available [Online] http://cnscenter.future.co.kr/resource/hot-topic/wlan/1109.pdf. (February 27, 2008) In the article Wong argues that the constant evolution of wireless security has ultimately led to the solution of providing security to network connections in the form of the 802.11i wireless security standards. The article takes a product-based approach in showing the efficacy and solution provided by wireless security to network connections. Wong discusses the insecurity associated with Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) which is an interim solution, and how WiFi Protected Access (WAP) provides a lasting solution through the 802.11i standards. The paper shows that an organization can configure its network to provide customized solutions for its network’s privacy and security. The paper presents a wide range of ICT tools and technologies. It requires a person coached in   and ICT operations and with a vast repertoire of ICT terminologies to fully understand and appreciate the significance of the paper. It is a significant work on solutions for network security. Scheraga, D., 2005, Hackers: Keep Out Chain Store Age, Volume 81, Issue 10, October, pp. 51 The main contention of Scheraga’s article is that the more a retailer relies on ICT for its daily operations, the more exposed its data is to theft. The article provides solution-based steps for securing the data of retailers. It also examines the way retailers can manage the challenges in securing data from internal stakeholders to the organization. The role of the US government legislation on providing insurance to retailers against the activities of hackers activities is emphasized by the article. Scheraga further presents strategic tactics that could be utilized by retailers in ensuring data integrity and minimizing loss and curbing liability. Steps on how to design questions in implementing this strategy are listed in the article. The article is concise and has a restricted scope in that it renders solutions only to retail operators in IT. The content of the paper is solution-based, and offers significant step-by-step guide for small operators on how to ensure data security. How to cite Information and Communication Technology, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Salem Witch Trials free essay sample

Erin Sullivan Dating back to 1692 when the Salem Witch Trials were occurring, it was a time of despair, concern,and many accusations. The events that took place in Salem in 1692 are a part of a greater pattern throughout our history to persecute innocent people, especially women, as witches. Salem was broken into two parts, Salem Town and Salem Village which set it aside by economy, class and character. Salem Village was known as the have nots, mostly consisting of poor farmers who made a living cultivating crops where as Salem Town was the haves, a wealthy town in which was the center of trade. Salem Village tried to gain its own independence from Salem Town for quite some time but finally succeeded gaining its own church and minister in 1674. The merchants who lived in Salem Village near Ipswich Road prospered but the farmers felt that wealth of Salem Town threatened Puritan values. They thought that the right person must of came along and that it had to be a new person in town and somebody who had the power of getting other people to help in witchcraft. The only logical person who they could think of that fit this description was Martha Corey. (First Salem witch hanging) The Trial of Martha Corey was on Friday March 11, 1692 it was a day of fasting and prayer in Salem. The accusation shocked those who heard it because Martha Corey (Good wife Corey) was a new but upstanding member of the community. Immediately a somebody was sent to the Corey farm to question Martha hoping to clear her name. Martha Coreys sarcastic response to her being accused caused her immediate arrest. In the courtroom Maratha’s accusers writhed in agony as they were forced by an unseen power to mimic the witchs every movement. When Martha shifted her feet they did too,when Martha bit her lip they were compelled to. On, Monday, the 21st of March,the magistrates of Salem appointed to come to examination of Good wife Corey. And about twelve of the clock they went into the meeting house,which was thronged with spectators. Mr. Noyes began with a very pertinent and pathetic prayer, and Good wife Corey being called to answer to what was alleged against her, she desired to go to prayer, which was much wondered at, in the presence of so many hundred people. The magistrates told her they would not admit it; they came not there to hear her pray, but to examine her in what was alleged against her. The worshipful Mr. Hawthorne asked her why she afflicted those children. She said she did not afflict them. He asked her, Who did then? She said, I do not know; how should I know? † (Lawson) Martha was portraying that she had no clue as to what was going on and that she was being accused of something that she did not do. But if Martha truly was innocent then why would she not pray and why would she not fight and show more passion that she was not a witch. Some of the people in the town started to come forward and telling things about Martha, because they believed she was a witch crop failures or infant deaths -local villagers were quick to accuse each other of witchcraft (Milton). They would say that she has a book of spells and that she tried to convince young girls into doing magic with her, the younger the girls were the easier it would be to harvest their magic. Others would say that she had a little yellow bird that she would put in her hand and kill then she would bring it back to life to show how much power she actually had. Nobody actually had proof that Martha was a witch and that she was in fact practising witch craft. (Salem witch trials) From the late 15th century to the late 18th century a wave of persecution washed across parts of Europe. Tens of thousands of people were executed for witchcraft. But what happened? Belief in magic was almost universal in the past. Almost all cultures believed that you could use supernatural means to help hunting or to make your crops grow better or to make humans or animals more fertile (Lambert). But you could not use magic to heal humans and animals (Lambert). For most people who lived before the 18th century magic was an ordinary part of everyday life. To them the world was a mysterious and frightening place. They did not know what caused diseases and sickness so they would sometimes assume it was something supernatural. The people of the 16th century would use what they thought magic in their everyday lives to try to make things better for themselves , but when people started thinking that humans were using magic on other living things that’s when magic started being considered evil and a bad thing (Lambert). People who believed in magic the thought that your enemies could use magic to harm you was terrifying. Most people in the 16th century believed that God had an enemy called the Devil, who was very powerful. They believed that witches made a pact or agreement with the Devil and agreed to worship and serve him. When people were being accused of witch craft they were not given a fair trial. They did not use evidence they did not give you a voice,if somebody said you were a witch then you must be a witch (Lambert). The history of witch craft is so great that nobody is really sure what actually happened. There are many theories as to what actually happened , some say that witches started coming to earth and taking over human bodies when the devouring night started. On the night of the devouring or otherwise called sorry night, otherwise know as Halloween, is when witches come down from their world and inhabit the people who are scared(Holt). They take over the scared humans because they are alone and have no way of defending themselves , their minds are essentially open and easy to take over(Holt). They take over their bodies and then the witches have a vessel which they can perform their magic from. The witches who take over the human body make it so the human that was already in the body feel like they are asleep. The witch will inhabit your thoughts and your past and they will act like the person they took over as much as they could(Holt). A witch would sometimes slip up and their magic would start to show or they would be caught,in some cases they would get caught without even realizing it. The longer a witch is in a body the harder it would be for their magic if it was evil to start showing. When a witch would get caught performing magic back in the 16th century they had no way to escape the human because the only day they can enter or leave body is on October thirty first or if the human is illed. When human was hung the witch could stay around and inhabit another body but when the body was burned the witch died with it. It took a long time for people to realize what was happening. It was one of the most logical reasons to how witches could come about. (Holt) In some cases female witches were treated a lot worse than male witches were. Female witches were usually beaten and their houses wo uld be raided then burned down they then would be hung or burned and sometimes even both depending on how strong they thought the witch was (Lyons). In rare cases men witches were kept alive because priests would try to save them and get extract their magic so they could use it for their own purposes(Lyons). Once the priests were done with the male witches if they still believed they were witches they would be killed and their belongings would be burned(Lyons). Because of the Salem witch trials , thousands globally lost friends and family members over the suspicion of being witches and doing harm. People would be killed if they were a good witch or a bad witch,innocent or guilty, proof or no proof. If somebody was thought to be a witch then you were going to be killed. A group of people the descendants of people who were killed in the trials , otherwise known as the Salem five started a petition for their ancestors names to be cleared and know that they were not witches and that they were killed when they were innocent (American Heritage). It was a long fight for there names to be cleared but in the end they eventually got their names cleared and they got their names in the paper and their names on the list of people who were believed to be innocent during the trials but they were killed without real proof. American Heritage) When the witch trials were going on witches were thought to have looked like ordinary people who have the power to kill people, make potions, and control people . Witches were thought to be evil and only capable of doing harm, yet they would walk among humans and act like humans in most cases. The witches in the 16th century were though to look like normal everyday humans ,so they they would not have to hide(Salem Witch museum). Now in the 20th century witches are thought to have long stringy uncombed black hair and facial warts with a green face ,and a big nose. They are thought to wear all black and long stocking ,they ride around on broom sticks and have loud cackling laughs. The transition from what people thought use to be witches and what people now think a witch would look like is so different from what they use to be like. The change in what witches look like started when all witches started to be thought of as evil and corrupting. The change happened when parents would tell their children about evil creatures that would take them in the night and make them do things that they would not want to do . People changed the look of witches so that their stories would scare young children. Years of stories being passed down generation after generation people started to forget that witches actually look like normal humans and that they blend in with everyday society. (Salem witch museum) The repercussions of the Salem witch trials effected thousands of innocent people. People were murdered without given a fair trial , many family lines were massacred , and now most people think that all witches are evil and that all the stories about witches are true. Thousands of innocent people , including women and children , were slaughtered globally during the Salem witch trials(Salem witch trials). Many family lines were cut out and killed altogether during the trials. When witch craft was happening in some cases whole families were convicted and then slaughtered , they were not given fair trials because there was no real proof that they were actually witches. After the witch trials were finished all over the world everybody started assuming that all witches were evil and that magic good or bad should not be allowed. Many folklore tales were made up and legends were started to be told all over the globe about evil witch craft ,and how witches take over your body and kill your soul . Some people would say that when witch craft was used for killing humans and animals and manipulating them that is when you would lose your soul. Because of The Salem witch trials thousands of innocent people were killed with little proof , real witches were not killed ,and people were taken over during the devouring. Since the witch trials happened globally many stories and legends were started and there is no real proof as to what happened. Some families tried to get their ancestors names cleared but not everybody who was faultily killed got their names cleared. The repercussions of the trials are still felt today globally. Work Cited (Holt Simon,The Devouring, September 1 , 2008) January Lyons , Diane Witchcraft, gender, power and intimate relations in Mura compounds in Dela, northern Cameroon. EBSCO HOST. May 2 ,2013. Salem witch Museum. http://www. salemwitchmuseum. om/. May 2,2013 Lambert , Tim. The Salem witch trials . Localhistories. com April 26,2013 http://www. localhistories. org/salem. html The Salem Witch Trials, 1692, EyeWitness to History, www. eyewitnesstohistory. com (2000). April 30th , 2013 Salem witch trials. Welcome to Salem Massachusetts. April 24th 2013 http://www. salemweb. com/guide/witches. shtml Blumburg, Jess. A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials. Smithsonian. com Published October 27th,2007 May 1st 2013 http://www. smithsonianmag. com/history-archaeology/brief-salem. html April 30th 2013 Lawson , Deodat. The Salem Witch Trials,1692. Eyewitness to History. Published in 2000. http://www. eyewitnesstohistory. com/salem. htm April 29th 2013 Milton, Gilies. SALEM WITCH TRIAL: THE CASE OF GILES AND MARTHA COREY published December 12 2012. Surviving-History. blogspot. ca April 30th , 2013 First Salem Witch hanging. Www. history. comhttp[-gt;1]://www. history. com/this-day-in-history/first-salem-witch-hanging April 30th , 2013 [-gt;0] http://ec. tynt. com/b/rw? id=cd5NqsI_0r3Qffab7jrHtBu=SmithsonianMag [-gt;1] http://Www. history. comhttp/

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevensons Essay Example For Students

Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevensons Essay Treasure Island is a suspenseful, action-packed story in which he uses the stereotypical image of pirates to captivate his audiences. The pirates in Treasure Island greatly resemble that of 16th century pirates. Pirates undeniably possessed an ability to persuade. According to Jan Rogozinski in her book Pirates! , † Pirates were often fisherman who traded with passing ships. They would lure the ships in as if they wanted to trade and then rob them†(257). Actions like those are strongly reflected through the pirates in Treasure Island. This ability is best emphasized through Long John Silver, the main pirate in the book. He is known as a ruthless man and a criminal, but because of his ability to persuade, he gains Squire Trelawney and Jim s trust (Stevenson 109). Silver owns a seafood restaurant in which Squire Trelawney often attends. Squire Trelawney was so impressed with Silver s cooking that he appointed him to be the cook on the journey to find Flints Treasure. Squire Trelawney takes Jim and the doctor to Long John Silver s to eat. We will write a custom essay on Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevensons specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now During their dinner Trelawney is convinced by Silver that his crew is the best around (Stevenson 109). Silver and his crew later commit mutiny. On the journey to find the treasure Long John Silver gains Jim s trust and they become friends. When the treasure is finally found Floyd 2Silver takes Jim hostage in a desperate attempt to capture the treasure all for himself (Stevenson 118). This portrays the uncaring image displayed by pirates. Long John Silver and Jim had built a relationship based on trust. Long John Silver ruined their friendship when he took Jim hostage in order to obtain the treasure map. Pirates are constantly characterized as criminals who roamed the sea looking for any possible way to strike it rich. â€Å"Pirates lived a life full of killing, stealing, and searching for treasures†(Rogonzinski 258). This is very similar to Long John Silver s crew who will do absolutely anything to capture Flints treasure for themselves. Silver s crew makes several attempts to take over the ship but is unsuccessful with each try. â€Å"Pirate crews were known to be drunken, blasphemous, and ferocious men†(Rogonzinski 257). This is directly reflected through Long John Silver s crew. Silver s crew is a group of pirates who are constantly drinking rum and fighting amongst each other. They have very fowl mouth s and are rough looking ferocious men. However, according to Robert Carse in his book The Age of Piracy, † Pirates were the survivors of the survivors, tough, desperate, in superb physical condition, and stronger than any motive of personal greed was a consuming hatred for the enemy†(20). Pirates such as Long John Silver were so greatly feared because of their strength and because they were out to kill their enemies. The physical characteristics of the pirates in Treasure Island are much like that of pirates who once roamed the sea. † Pirates were usually characterized by their fancy clothing, the fine cordoba boots, the huge pendant gold ear-loops, even the display of weapons†(Carse 22). This is similar to what Long John Silver and his crew wore. Long John Silver had two big gold hoops in both of his ears (Stevenson 55). He also had an Floyd 3eye patch, a popular characteristic of pirates in the 16th century. Silver wore a hat and had long dark hair and a rough looking beard to add to his pirate image. Clothes were important to pirates because they wanted to be feared and having a fearful image fit their lifestyles (Rogozinski 243). â€Å"Pirates were demonic villains, who denied all civilized values†(Rogozinski 257). Long John Silver s crew did not abide by any rules of civilization. Their clothes and other characteristics fit the fairy tale images of pirates who once roamed the sea. They lived at the sea and followed their own rules. For example, when Silver kept trying to hold his crew back from taking over the boat, they retaliated and served him a black spot (Stevenson 74). .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb , .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .postImageUrl , .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb , .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:hover , .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:visited , .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:active { border:0!important; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:active , .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3f6fa4ccc94fbbfdce99765918cc76bb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The entire King's Men EssayWhen a black spot was served it meant death to whom ever received it. The crew usually served it to a captain or another member of the crew that had betrayed them in some way (Rogozinski 89). They did not want to be bossed around by anyone; they wanted to follow no rules at all. They were violent human beings; they follow no laws and were outcasts from society, the way they dress gives people that perception. The art of piracy is reflected in the pirates in Treasure Island. Centuries ago pirates’ roaming the sea was a reality. According to A. B. C. Whipple in his book Famous Pirates of the New World, â€Å"People who carried money on their ships were constantly in danger of pirates. Since shipping was their only way of travel, they had to fear the sea†(5). That is similar to Treasure Island because the only way of travel was the sea, and pirates must constantly be feared. Long John Silver and his crew had the advantage right as soon as the boat set sail. They were pirates and accustomed to the sea. They lived a life of mutiny. This lifestyle was best emphasized through the actions of pirates. Many times Floyd 4pirates would chase other ships until they decided to give up†(Whipple 7). â€Å"This shows the same aggressiveness illustrated in the lethal scramble for Flint s treasure in the book Treasure Island†(Stevenson 1). Pirates of the 16th century were similar to those in Robert Louis Stevenson s Treasure Island. Many people imagine pirates as having eye patches, wooden legs, and gold earrings; similar to characteristics of the pirates in Treasure Island. â€Å"Yo-ho-ho-an a bottle of rum†(Stevenson 112).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

As and Than To Introduce Elliptical Clauses

As and Than To Introduce Elliptical Clauses As and Than To Introduce Elliptical Clauses As and Than To Introduce Elliptical Clauses By Maeve Maddox A reader questions my use of the subject pronoun I to follow the conjunction as in a recent post. I wrote â€Å"not so sanguine as I.† The reader suggests that I should have written â€Å"not so sanguine as me.† When the word as functions as a preposition, it can be followed by me: I went to the costume party as my sister, and she went as me. In the sentence with sanguine, however, as functions as a conjunction. The subject form I is the correct choice because I is the subject of the elliptical clause introduced by as. An â€Å"elliptical clause† has some of its parts understood but not stated. Sometimes the part left out of the elliptical clause is the verb and its complement: You are smarter than I. Expanded meaning: You are smarter than I am smart. George has been teaching June how to golf. Now she is as good as he. Expanded meaning: Now she is as good as he is good. Sometimes the understood part of the clause includes an extension of the verb that contains a prepositional phrase. When that’s the case, an object form may be the correct choice to follow as or than. The choice depends upon the meaning to be understood. These examples from The Chicago Manual of Style illustrate the way pronoun choice alters meaning when than introduces an elliptical clause: My sister looks more like my father than I. Expanded meaning: My sister looks more like my father than I look like my father. My sister looks more like my father than me. Expanded meaning: My sister looks more like my father than she looks like me. When as and than are used to introduce an elliptical clause, the choice of pronoun form is governed by its function in what is understood but not stated in the elliptical clause. Related post: Taller Than He Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases50 Idioms About Fruits and Vegetables45 Idioms About the Number One

Friday, November 22, 2019

Vasco Núñez de Balboa, Conquistador and Explorer

Vasco Nà ºÃƒ ±ez de Balboa, Conquistador and Explorer Vasco Nà ºÃƒ ±ez de Balboa (1475–1519) was a Spanish conquistador, explorer, and administrator. He is best known for leading the first European expedition to sight the Pacific Ocean, or the South Sea as he referred to it. He is still remembered and venerated in Panama as a heroic explorer. Fast Facts: Vasco Nà ºÃƒ ±ez de Balboa Known For: First European sighting of the Pacific Ocean and colonial governance in what is now PanamaBorn: 1475 in Jerà ©z de los Caballeros, Extremadura province, CastileParents: Differing historical accounts of parents names: his family was noble but no longer wealthySpouse: Marà ­a de Peà ±alosaDied: January 1519 in Acla, near present-day Darià ©n, Panama Early Life Nuà ±ez de Balboa was born into a noble family that was no longer wealthy. His father and mother were both of noble blood in Badajoz, Spain and Vasco was born in Jerà ©z de los Caballeros in 1475. Although noble, Balboa could not hope for much in the way of even a meager inheritance, as he was the third of four sons. All titles and lands were passed to the eldest; younger sons generally went into the military or clergy. Balboa opted for the military, spending time as a page and squire at the local court. America By 1500, word had spread all over Spain and Europe of the wonders of the New World and the fortunes being made there. Young and ambitious, Balboa joined the expedition of Rodrigo de Bastidas in 1500. The expedition was mildly successful in raiding the northeastern coast of South America. In 1502, Balboa landed in Hispaniola with enough money to set himself up with a small pig farm. He was not a very good farmer, however, and by 1509 he was forced to flee his creditors in Santo Domingo. Back to the Darien Balboa stowed away (with his dog) on a ship commanded by Martà ­n Fernndez de Enciso, who was heading to the recently-founded town of San Sebastin de Urab with supplies. He was quickly discovered and Enciso threatened to maroon him, but the charismatic Balboa talked him out of it. When they reached San Sebastin they found that natives had destroyed it. Balboa convinced Enciso and the survivors of San Sebastin (led by Francisco Pizarro) to try again and establish a town, this time in the Darià ©n- a region of dense jungle between present-day Colombia and Panama. Santa Marà ­a la Antigua del Darià ©n The Spaniards landed in the Darià ©n and were quickly beset by a large force of natives under the command of Cà ©maco, a local chieftain. Despite the overwhelming odds, the Spanish prevailed and founded the city of Santa Marà ­a la Antigua de Darià ©n on the site of Cà ©macos old village. Enciso, as ranking officer, was put in charge but the men detested him. Clever and charismatic, Balboa rallied the men behind him and removed Enciso by arguing that the region was not part of the royal charter of Alonso de Ojeda, Encisos master. Balboa was one of two men quickly elected to serve as mayors of the city. Veragua Balboas stratagem of removing Enciso backfired in 1511. It was true that Alonso de Ojeda (and therefore, Enciso) had no legal authority over Santa Marà ­a, which had been founded in an area referred to as Veragua. Veragua was the domain of Diego de Nicuesa, a somewhat unstable Spanish nobleman who had not been heard from in some time. Nicuesa was discovered in the north with a handful of bedraggled survivors from an earlier expedition, and he decided to claim Santa Marà ­a for his own. The colonists preferred Balboa, however, and Nicuesa was not even allowed to go ashore: Indignant, he set sail for Hispaniola but was never heard from again. Governor Balboa was effectively in charge of Veragua at this point and the crown reluctantly decided to simply recognize him as governor. Once his position was official, Balboa quickly began organizing expeditions to explore the region. The local tribes of indigenous natives were not united and were powerless to resist the Spanish, who were better armed and disciplined. The colonizers collected much gold and pearls through their military power, which in turn drew more men to the settlement. They began hearing rumors of a great sea and a rich kingdom to the south. Expedition to the South The narrow strip of land which is Panama and the northern tip of Colombia runs east to west, not north to south as some might suppose. Therefore, when Balboa, along with about 190 Spaniards and a handful of natives, decided to search for this sea in 1513, they headed mostly south, not west. They fought their way through the isthmus, leaving many wounded behind with friendly or conquered chieftains. On September 25, Balboa and a handful of battered Spaniards (Francisco Pizarro was among them) first saw the Pacific Ocean, which they named the â€Å"South Sea.† Balboa waded into the water and claimed the sea for Spain. Pedrarà ­as Dvila The Spanish crown, still with some lingering doubt over whether or not Balboa had correctly handled Enciso, sent a massive fleet to Veragua (now named Castilla de Oro) under the command of veteran soldier Pedrarà ­as Dvila. Fifteen hundred men and women flooded the tiny settlement. Dvila had been named governor to replace Balboa, who accepted the change with good humor, although the colonists still preferred him to Dvila. Dvila proved to be a poor administrator and hundreds of settlers died, mostly those who had sailed with him from Spain. Balboa tried to recruit some men to explore the South Sea without Dvila knowing, but he was found out and arrested. Vasco and Pedrarà ­as Santa Marà ­a had two leaders: officially, Dvila was governor, but Balboa was more popular. They continued to clash until 1517 when it was arranged for Balboa to marry one of Dvila’s daughters. Balboa married Marà ­a de Peà ±alosa despite an obstacle: she was in a convent in Spain at the time and they had to marry by proxy. In fact, she never left the convent. Before long, the rivalry flared up again. Balboa left Santa Marà ­a for the small town of Aclo with 300 of those who still preferred his leadership to that of Dvila. He was successful in establishing a settlement and building some ships. Death Fearing the charismatic Balboa as a potential rival, Dvila decided to get rid of him once and for all. Balboa was arrested by a squad of soldiers led by Francisco Pizarro as he made preparations to explore the Pacific coast of northern South America. He was hauled back to Aclo in chains and quickly tried for treason against the crown: The charge was that he had tried to establish his own independent fiefdom of the South Sea, independent from that of Dvila. Enraged, Balboa shouted out that he was a loyal servant of the crown, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. He was beheaded in January of 1519 along with four of his companions (there are conflicting accounts of the exact date of the execution). Without Balboa, the colony of Santa Marà ­a quickly failed. Where he had cultivated positive ties with local natives for trade, Dvila enslaved them, resulting in short-term economic profit but long-term disaster for the colony. In 1519, Dvila forcibly moved all of the settlers to the Pacific side of the isthmus, founding Panama City, and by 1524 Santa Marà ­a had been razed by angry natives. Legacy The legacy of Vasco Nuà ±ez de Balboa is brighter than that of many of his contemporaries. While many  conquistadors, such as  Pedro de Alvarado,  Hernn Cortà ©s,  and  Pnfilo de Narvaez  are today remembered for cruelty, exploitation, and inhuman treatment of natives, Balboa is remembered as an explorer, fair administrator, and popular governor who made his settlements work. As for relations with natives, Balboa was guilty of his share of atrocities, including enslavement and setting his dogs on homosexual men in one village. In general, however, he is thought to have dealt with his native allies well, treating them with respect and friendship which translated into beneficial trade and food for his settlements. Although he and his men were the first to see the Pacific Ocean while heading west from the New World, it would be  Ferdinand Magellan  who would get the credit for naming it when he rounded the southern tip of South America in 1520. Balboa is best remembered in  Panama, where many streets, businesses, and parks bear his name. There is a stately monument in his honor in Panama City (a district of which bears his name) and the national currency is called the Balboa. There is even a lunar crater named after him. Sources Editors, History.com. â€Å"Vasco Nà ºÃƒ ±ez De Balboa.†Ã‚  History.com, AE Television Networks, 18 Dec. 2009.Thomas, Hugh.  Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan.  Random House, 2005.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Factory Gate pricing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Factory Gate pricing - Essay Example either directly to the stores or to his retail ware houses. The retail got the finished goods at reduced prices than before. Prior to the implementation of the FGP the supplier used to incur the transportation costs and the retailers the inventory costs at the warehouses. The factory gate pricing give the option to reduce the investment cost on maintaining the inventory for the distribution centre at times as the retailer will have he option to transport the goods directly to the shops. The retailer has the option of making the entire supply chain operations under one roof. FGP brings the control of primary transportation from the factory to distribution centers and inventory into one hand which likely leads to generate cost savings operations. In addition FGP offers two other sources for savings. Firstly, retailers generally have a vast product range for which they can make the transportation-inventory trade-off at one point of time. The orders from different suppliers that are located close to each other may be synchronized in time, such that they can be combined in the same vehicle route. Secondly, under FGP, primary and secondary distribution can be integrated and can be handled by one single entity. The supply chain initiative can be improved by optimizing the usage of space by the retailer by using the same vehicle to deliver the goods to the shop and to the distribution centre on one single trip.Significance of factory gate pricing The significance of FGP is that it removes traditional geographic transport boundaries where an assigned logistics provider controls all vehicle movement within a particular region for a... The significance of FGP is that it removes traditional geographic transport boundaries where an assigned logistics provider controls all vehicle movement within a particular region for a retailer. Better vehicle utilization as suppliers shares vehicles in order to reduce costs by sharing the space with the vehicles. Removal of uneconomical vehicle movements through combining additional products from different sources to ensure every lorry is full when it sets out on its delivery route. Benefits of implementing factory gate pricing. The benefits of factory gate pricing are Effective Transportation as the retailer is involved with the supplier and the time for transportation reduces to a considerable extent. Effective transportation may lead to Improved Availability of the goods in the stores and sustainable stock can be maintained in the shops. The decrease in transport costs leads to reduced prices on the finished goods. Environmentally it will be a positive aspect as the vehicles wi ll fully carry the goods of different supplier thus reducing the repeat trips to the same route thus reducing the vehicular traffic which results in reduced air pollution. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment â€Å"CPFR is the sharing of forecasts and related business information among business partners in the supply chain to enable automatic product replenishment†. CPFR is designed to link the supply and demand processes allowing for a more consumer driven supply chain. CPFR aims to seamlessly link the industry from manufacturer to consumer.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

DeVany's statement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DeVany's statement - Case Study Example The stock market crash of 1929 and the depression that followed led to a substantial contraction in takeover activity until the period during and following World War II. combinations. Articles 81 and 82 of the European Community Treaty prohibiting cartels and other "concerted practices" distorting competition along with prohibiting the willful acquisition or maintenance of monopoly power are similar to Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act outlawing concerted action to restrain trade. Consider, for example, the proposed merger of General Electric and Honeywell International Inc., two U.S.-based corporations, which was blocked by the European Union in 2001 even though U.S. antitrust regulators had already approved the deal. Jack Welch, then CEO of General Electric, complained that "European regulators' demands exceeded anything I or our European advisers imagined and differed sharply from antitrust counterparts in the U.S. and Canada." an order designed to pressure broadcasters into getting DTV signals on the air--or, at least, to "remind licensees of the importance of their DTV construction efforts," the FCC has ordered a series of sanctions for broadcasters that miss their DTV deadlines without good excuses. The order matches the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

World Economics assignment Essay Example for Free

World Economics assignment Essay Introduction In this report, it will introduce the World Economy. Main focus is the key feature of the global economic environment. The core economic issues that are focused on in this report are trade, international payments, exchange rates and economies undergoing change. Procedure To gather the required information to produce this report, extensive usage of the internet, various search engines and university library to understand global economics theory and current affairs. Analysis on Element 1 Firstly, international trade increased word-wide output. International trade activities have develop and explore the comparative advantages of a country, meanwhile, boost the professionalism of industries, higher efficient because of this. If the world-wide output is enhanced and comparative advantages are well-exerted, producers can obtain benefits of economies of scale, accordingly, the cost will descend and profit ascend. Secondly, it provides greater range of commodities for consumers and more choice. Customers coming from varied counties could buy commodities which are not produced domestically by the means of international trade. It contributes to enlarging purchasing market. Since, no matter the similar types of products or goods that not are able produced in domestic area, they could be got through international trade. Additionally, world trade has made an overall increase in standard of living. Specifically, a host of job vacancies offered by muti-national companies help solving the employment problem, then corporation revenue and individual revenue are elevated. Consequently, increased tax will be invested to welfare and infrastructure system. Analysis on Element 2 According to wikipedia, Free trade is a system of trade policy that allows traders to act and or transact without interference from government. According to the law of comparative advantage the policy permits trading partners mutual gains from trade of goods and services.(1) According to wikipedia, The Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) was created in the 1960 Treaty of Montevideo by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. The signatories hoped to create a common market in Latin America and offered tariff rebates among member nations. LAFTA came into effect on January 2, 1962. When the trade association commenced it had seven members and its main goal was to eliminate all duties and restrictions on the majority of their trade within a twelve year period. By the late 1960s the area of LAFTA had a population of 220 million and produced about $90 billion of goods and services annually. By the same time it had an average per capita gross national product of $440. The goal of the LAFTA is the creation of a free trade zone in Latin America. It should foster mutual regional trade among the member states, as well as with the U.S. and the European Union.(2) Analysis on Element 3 According to wikipedia, In economics, principle of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or country) to produce more of a good or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources. Adam Smith first described the principle of absolute advantage in the context of international trade, using labor as the only input(3). For instance, the capital market of UK is absolute advantage when comparing to the developing countries. According to wikipedia, The law of comparative advantage refers to the ability of a party (an individual, a firm, or a country) to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another party. It is the ability to produce a product with the highest relative efficiency given all the other products that could be produced(4). For instance, during the end of 19 century and beginning of 20 century, textile industry of UK developed well. However, in the middle and end of 21 century, Chinas textile industry became a comparative advantage because of enhanced efficient by means of adopting new product technologies. Analysis on Element 4 According to wikipedia, Protectionism is the economic policy of restraining trade between states, through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas, and a variety of other government regulations designed to discourage imports, and prevent foreign take-over of domestic markets and companies(5). Its a practice of regulating imports and exports with the purpose of shielding domestic industries from foreign competition. Governments adopt protectionism in order to help the country become self-sufficient, to protect new industries, or as a bargaining tool. In terms of tariff which was applied in protectionism, there are two examples. On September of 2010, Chinese government enforce new import duties ranging from 50.3 to 105.4 percent on US chicken lasting for five years, since a investigation found that US chicken was being sold at low prices a process called dumping(6). Another instance is, according to the webpage, on November of 2009, Brazil would raise cane over U.S. ethanol tariff. The reason for that is Brazil sugar producers say sugar-based fuel is more environmentally sound than electricity or corn ethanol for as an alternative for powering cars(7). Analysis on Element 5 Trade barriers are constraints that tend to hinder the motivation to engage in the importing or exporting of goods(8). There are two types of barriers that a government can employ, which are Tariff barriers and Non-Tariff barriers. According to the student guide, Tariffs are taxes or customs duties placed on foreign products to artificially raise their prices and this hopefully, suppresses domestic demand for them.(9) According to wikipedia, Non-tariff barriers to trade (NTBs) are trade barriers that restrict imports but are not in the usual form of a tariff.(10) it can take many forms, including quotas, embargoes, exchange controls, import deposits, voluntary export restrains, product standard procedures, subsidies and etc. There are two instances that indicate how tariff barriers influence the global trade. According to the webpage, On September of 2010, chinas commerce ministry announced that it would impose import tariffs on American poultry of up to 105.4 percent(11). Another is, on August of 2010, Mexicos new list which includes meats, vegetables and household items face tariffs of 5 percent to 25 percent, which will hurt Texas more(12). Analysis on Element 6 In brief, according to the webpage, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization which can provide a negotiating forum, offer a set of rules and helps to settle disputes for its memberships between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flow as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible(13). According to the publication of European Commission, on 8 December 2003, the EC requested consultations with India on 27 antidumping measures imposed on a variety of EC exports, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, paper, textile and steel. The problems in the Indian cases mainly referred to the highly insufficient injury and causality analysis, the failure to provide meaningful disclosure documents and a continuous disregard of arguments presented by EC exporters and the EC. Following the consultations held in February 2004, India opened a review process which has led to the termination of most of the contested measures, including those of most economic interest for EC exporters (steel and pharmaceutical products)(14). Analysis on Element 7 The aims of EU are following: Firstly, Eliminate customs duties and quotas between members. Secondly, establish common external tariff for non members (operated through common commercial policy). Thirdly, establish free movement of people, service, goods and capital between members, meanwhile, reduce anti-competitive practices. Fourth, associate with countries outside union to increase trade. Further, move towards full economic and monetary union. Lastly, develop common foreign, security and defense policy(15). In respect of trade, EU has encouraged to use one single currency which promotes the development of trade. Regarding to administration, the applying of Schengen Visa decrease administrative impediments and encourage the flow of individuals and business. Moreover, it implements unified foreign policy when confronted with trade disputes. Analysis on Element 8 The Balance of Payments can effectively be broken down into two parts. According to the webpage, The Current Account records international trade in goods and service, international income flows and current transfers. The Capital Account and Financial Account form the counter part to this, recording the changing pattern in the international ownership of assets. While the Financial Account records changes in the cross-border flows of assets the international Investment Position measures the total stocks of foreign assets and liabilities held by a nation(16). The trade in goods balance is the difference between the value of goods exported and the value of goods imported. The trade in services is recorded in the same way, with credits to the Current account reflecting services exports and debits services imports. Net income flows reflect international payments associated with the ownership of the factors of production (land, labor and capital). Current transfer records a miscellaneous set of net payments including workers remittances, social security, foreign aid and contributions to international organizations(17). In 2009, the current account deficit stands atà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15.5 billion. The deficit of trade in goods account falling toà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½81.9 billion. The trade in services account has shown a surplus of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½49.9 billion. The investment income balance rose to a record level of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½32 billion. The deficit of transfers account reached a record of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½14.8 billion. Additionally, The capital account represented in à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.2 billion and financial account had a net inflow of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.6 billion(18). Analysis on Element 9 According to the bar chart of trade in good and trade in services, the UK trade was fluctuated over the last 30 years. The UK trade has really only been in surplus in the very early 1980s which around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3 billion. However, after that, there has a apparent drop from 1982 to 1989 where at a bottom in minus à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25 billion in 1989. Then, from 1990 to 1997, it roughly remained same which around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½10 billion deficits. What is worse, the UK trade has a substantial decline which from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½21 billion deficits in 1998 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½90 billion deficits in 2008 during the ten years. In 2009, the trade of good has a deficit around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½81.9 billion(19). As for the trade in services, the UK has traditionally been in surplus and certainly has been so from 1976-1997. The services trade approximately remained surplus à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4 billion during four years which from 1980 to 1984. Then, it peaked at à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½7 billion within 3 years which from 1985 to 1987 during the 1980s. From 1991 to 1997, it ascended gentlely from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½4 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½11 billion deficit. However, there was a sharply growth after 2005 which from à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½25 billion positive to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½56 billion positive in 2008. In 2009, it dropped to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½49.9 billion trade in services. Analysis on Element 10 According to the wikipedia, The exchange rates between two currencies specify how much currency is worth of a foreign nations in terms of the home nations currency(20). It has two forms which are fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate. As to the floating exchange rate, according to the student guide, if the value of currency rises imported goods will be cheaper, therefore the trade in goods is likely to move into deficit. If the value of a currency falls, domestic goods and services will be dearer in domestic markets. This should mean an improvement in trade in goods(21). With regarding to the fixed exchange rate, according to the student guide, a persistent surplus could be dealt with by measures which allow domestic consumers to feel confident to purchase more. If the domestic economy cannot respond then imports would probably increase and exports might become less competitive.(22) Therefore, it will lead to a decrease of trade in goods. If the opposite were the case, a persistent deficit then measures could be used to restrict domestic demand and also to place greater restrictions on imports.(23) Hence, an increase of trade in goods will be emerged with that. For example, it is suggested that the American government has a requirement of increasing the value of RMB (increasing the exchange rate of RMB to change dollar) in 2001. In the end of 2006, Chinese government put the policy to take the exchange rate, it means originally 100 US dollars exchange 826 RMB, now only swap about to 800 RMB. In this way, they can make use of less money to change more products of Chinese in order to offset the quota of currency. Analysis on Element 11 The single currency is usually a double edge sword, which both bring the UK government strengthens and weaknesses. Advantages: To the UK economy, keeps interest rates lower, the commitment to low inflation should allow the economies to operate lower cost. Increase foreign investment, if the UK join the single currency system, direct inward investment should be attracted because the reduction of uncertainly there is not the need to calculate demonstrate the UK pound(24). Disadvantages For the UK government, changes from old currency may be costly; the government needs spend additional money, like, purchase the new equipment and staff training. The UK government will lose the independent monetary policy, since when UK adopt the single currency, the scope for fiscal policy adjustments is restricted by need to stay within 3% of GDP(25). Analysis on Element 12 To individuals, adopting the single currency could eliminate cost on exchange currency. No matter Tourists or citizens, they do not need to care about more money will be spend because of changing exchange rate. Besides, it renders purchasers convenient and efficient shopping, most essentially, a wide range of selections of goods and considerations without additional expenditure. To the business, utilizing a single currency intensifies stiff competition among members within EU. By the contrast, it also provides corporations with increasingly opportunities and possibilities of expansion, so that these firms could produce their product to wider within EU. Whats more, it decreases the cost of foreign investment to dedicate domestically. Analysis on Element 13 According to wikipedia, Least Developed Country (LDC) is the name given to a country which, according to the United Nations, exhibits the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development, with the lowest Human Development Index ratings of all countries in the world. A country is classified as a Least Developed Country if it meets three criteria: * low-income (three-year average GNI per capita of less than US $905, which must exceed $1,086 to leave the list) * human resource weakness (based on indicators of nutrition, health, education and adult literacy) and * economic vulnerability (based on instability of agricultural production, instability of exports of goods and services, economic importance of non-traditional activities, merchandise export concentration, handicap of economic smallness, and the percentage of population displaced by natural disasters)(26) For instance, Bhutan and Maldives in Asia is confronted with several problems which include shortage of education investment, out-dated medical treatment and high incident of employment. Analysis on Element 14 NICs like Kiribati may face the problem of indebtedness. According to the student guide, As the living standards and per capital income of NICs approach those of the mature economies they will certainly find it difficult to sustain growth, they may well have benefited from aid from the World Bank or IMF. Were they clever enough to pay off all debts they might have owed externally or as close to it as they could before being exposed to some fairly fierce competition(27). In Cambodia, the unemployment is usually very high with very little industry because most people work on their own small plots of land. The social, cultural and religious patters within these countries are barriers to mobility and change(28). Analysis on Element 15 The impact of multi-national firms on NICs and LDCs may be broadly similar. The benefits have increase employment, the new methods and technology and contribute to economic growth, to name just a few. At the same time the problems have which may eliminate domestic competition, occupy the local nature resources and the profits are mainly transfer back to Home County(29). Volkswagen as the first group company into Chinese marketing, they merger the Shanghai automobile firm and established the Shanghai Volkswagen Company. The professional training designed for Chinese worker brought in the updated technology and management skills. The other instance is about Samsung Electronics. The organization install their manufactory in developing countries like India, it may use up the natural resources and give extreme detrimental environmental influences on host country. Summary All those are the 15 key elements about the world economy. At present, the global economy tends to integration, so to realize world economy is very necessary for countries, businesses, and even individuals. Reference (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_trade (2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_American_Integration_Assosiation (3) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_advantage (4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative_advantage (5) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protectionism (6)http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/09/27/business/main6904479.shtml (7)http://domesticfuel.com/2010/04/06/brazil-eliminates-tariff-on-ethanol-imports/ (8)http://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/tariff-trade-barrier-basics.asp (9) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page34. (10) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-tariff_barriers_to_trade (11) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/27/business/global/27yuan.html (12) http://www.mysanantonio.com/business/local/article/Mexico-s-new-tariff-list-may-hurt-Texas-621156.php (13) http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/doload_e/inbr_e.pdf (14) http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2007/may/tradoc_134652.pdf (15) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 66. (16) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_of_Payments (17) http://www.statistics.gov.uk/elmr/09_09/downloads/ELMR_Sep09_Chamberlin.pdf (18) United Kingdom Balance of Payments The Pink Book (19) United Kingdom Balance of Payment-The Pink Book (20) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_rate (21) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 91and 92. (22) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 103. (23) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 103. (24) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 112. (25) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 113. (26) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_Developed_Country (27) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 134 and 135. (28) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 139. (29) Economics 2: The World Economy by China Mordern Economic Publishing House Page 148-149.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bird Imagery in Jane Eyre Essay example -- Jane Eyre Essays

In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte uses many types of imagery to provide understanding of the characters and also to express reoccurring themes in the novel. Through bird imagery specifically, we are able to see Jane develop from a small, unhappy child into a mature and satisfied young woman. "The familiarity and transcendence of birds have given them a wider range of meaning and symbol in literature than any other animal. The resemblance of their activities to common patterns of human behavior makes them exceptionally suitable for anthropomorphic imagery that links man to the common forms of nature" (Lutwack xii). Through the use of birds such as doves and sparrows Bronte enables the audience to gain insight into the type of person that Jane is, caring, selfless, and independent. It also allows the reader to see what type of person Mr. Rochester is, strong and controlling, by comparing him to eagles and cormorants. The connotations involved with the specific birds mentioned in Jane Eyre allow the reader to become aware of the distinct traits the characters possess and certain reoccurring themes presented in the novel. Bronte allows the reader to see the loneliness that Jane is experiencing at Gateshead Hall, by showing the relationship between her and birds. Dismissed from conversation with Mrs. Reed and the Reed children Jane retreats to a window seat and disappears into her own imaginative world with Thomas Bewick’s History of British Birds. She is concerned more with the illustrations than the text, she states "the letter-press I cared little for, generally speaking" (20; ch. 1). Through these illustrations, Jane is able to relate to the feeling of solitude expressed by the pictures. One drawing in particular that Jane observe... ...round Europe. Rochester, who is likened to birds of prey, seems to fit the description of these birds well. Being ravenous and preying on others is something that Rochester continually does during the novel, and this helps exemplify his dark character. By utilizing these specific connotations that particular birds carry with them the reader is better able to comprehend the traits of Jane and Rochester. Works Cited Bewick, Thomas. History of British Birds. Newcastle: Beilby, 1797. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Ed. Beth Newman. Boston: St. Martin’s, 1996. Lutwack, Leonard. Birds in Literature. Gainesville: Up of Florida, 1994. Renfroe, Alicia. "Prometheus Unplugged." 1996. <http://prometheus.cc.emory.edu/panels/2D/A.Renfroe.html> (25 March 2011). Rowland, Beryl. Birds With Human Souls, A Guide to Bird Symbolism. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1978. Â  

Monday, November 11, 2019

Basic Outline For 2006 Customer Update Email

Happy New Year from PrivateResults. com! Over the past year, we have listened to valuable feedback from important customers like you. As a valued customer we would like to inform you of all the exciting new changes that have been implemented for 2006 and invite you to visit PrivateResults. com to experience our new additions to our website.As an added incentive, you’ll have the opportunity to enter a monthly drawing for $1,000 by simply completing a 2-minute survey at the end of your visit.Please be sure to unsubscribe from these updates below if you no longer wish to receive them. New Site Design Our new website incorporates a new style and feel that is easy to find, navigate and purchase your products. A wealth of new company and product information as well as an improved checkout process makes PrivateResults. com an industry leader. New Products PrivateResults. com is proud to introduce a host of new home health testing products to meet your needs.These new FDA approved pro ducts include revolutionary tests for personal allergies, home allergens, Hepatitis C, HIV, Liver, and Kidneys. New Lower Prices As a result of PrivateResults. com continued success and growth, we have been able to purchase our products in much larger quantities and we pass those savings directly to our customers! Free Shipping PrivateResults. com now offers free Priority Shipping (2-3 day delivery) a $6. 99 value with the purchase of any two tests. 100% Money Back Guarantee PrivateResults.com is so confident you will receive a superior shopping experience. We are the only website in the industry to offer a no-hassle 100% Money Back Guarantee, including shipping charges! Not satisfied with your purchase? Simply contact our Customer Service Department for a quick resolution. New Multiple Ordering Methods Don’t like to give your credit card over the Internet? PrivateResults. com has responded to your needs. We now offer the ability to order securely online, with fraud protectio n, over the telephone, by fax, or mail.You can mail a check or money order with your order form! Pay with Pay Pal Pay Pal, the trusted leader in online payments, enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money online. Pay Pal has over 86. 6 million member accounts in 56 countries and regions. It's accepted by merchants everywhere, and is now accepted by PrivateResults. com. Pay Pal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use Pay Pal, your financial information is never shared with anyone but PrivateResults.com. Pay Pal gives you the ability to pay virtually with any credit card, an electronic check, or a transfer right from your bank account. Affiliate Program Would you like to partner with the industry leader in the revolution in healthcare? You can! PrivateResults. com is proud to introduce its new affiliate marketing program where you can earn a commission of 10% on every sale from customers you send to the website. Just click on the Affiliate Program link at the bottom of our page for more information.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s

Irene Hunt’s No Promises in the Wind (1975) is a story about the plight of fifteen-year-old Josh and his brother Joey, set in the desperate state of the U.S. during the Great Depression of the ‘30s.The two boys hailed from Chicago, born from a middle class family. The Stock market crashed signaling the start of the Depression (Great Depression, 2005). This has been â€Å"particularly severe in Chicago because of the city's reliance on manufacturing, the hardest hit sector nationally† (Deutsch, 2005).   More than half of the workforce lost their jobs (Deutsch, 2005), including their father, Stephan. When this happened their father changed from someone who is kindhearted into a bitter, angry man.Those times were ridden with problems and he takes his anger out on his oldest son Josh. But rather, it could be supposed that he is angrier with himself for being helpless in their situation, what with the pressures of providing for his family.Desperate times necessitate that kids those days mature early, and even though Josh is a mere boy, he leaves his family with his best friend Howie with dreams of being musicians, his little brother Joey tagging along.The brothers experience a devastating blow when Howie got run over by a train. When they continued to venture forth, they realize how hard to make it out in the real world. They were cold and hungry, at times even resorting to begging for food.They meet a lot of interesting and endearing people along the way and saw how people from different parts of the country, such as Louisiana and Nebraska, were being affected by the Depression. Such people like Lonnie, a generous trucker who tries to help them whenever he can despite tough times, and Emily, a beautiful and attractive a circus clown.Hunt paints a harrowing portrait of that period and how desperate times change people, emotionally and psychologically. She shows that when the going gets tough, man’s instincts for survival take over, even at the sake of common goodness and humanity. On the other side of the coin, it is also a testament that kindness still endures.The story is largely character driven, and the author makes good use of her skill in portraying emotions, especially how the Depression changed people. With deft descriptions and stirring language, she conjures a moving image of a desperate America, and what people do in order to survive. Some parts could seem too unrealistic, such as Josh’s illogical ambitions and the brothers’ seemingly continuous luck, but in the end it is successful in providing us a glimpse of the general populace’s real state of living during that period.ReferencesDeutsch, T. (2005).   Great Depression. In The Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago. Retrieved November 22, 2005, from http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/542.htmlGreat Depression. (2005). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 23, 2005, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_DepressionHunt, I. (1 975). No Promises in the Wind.   Chicago: Follet Publishing.  

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Vagina Monologues essays

Vagina Monologues essays The Vagina Monologues was a play performed based on a small book that included a series of interviews of a diverse group of over 200 women discussing their vaginas and sexuality. The interviews performed ranged from funny to provocative to maddeningly serious. The women ranged from young to old, married and single, heterosexual, bisexual and lesbian, and included many races. With phrases like If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear? the play asks questions that are oddly provocative yet bring up issues that question peoples perceptions about their own sexuality. The play was directed by a group of 5 women who discussed and commented on each of the interviews. The set for the play was a simple formation of splitting the stage into two sides. On one side, the commentators in five chairs and on the other a spot light fell strategically on the woman whose interview was being performed. By maintaining this simplicity, the play emphasizes the importance of each interview and allows the audience to focus on the character without being distracted by a cluttered set. I enjoyed this aspect of the play because I felt that it allowed the audience to fully appreciate the acting skills of the actresses. The interviews range from serious sad descriptions of rape or incest to happy recollections of a first kiss to blatant anger towards visits to the gynecologist. In one particular interview, the woman describes being raped by her father at a young age. The topic seemed like an uncomfortable one in that most of the people the audience were probably not at ease with hearing about the topic in such a public arena. But I feel that this was the whole goal of the Vagina Monologues to bring awareness to people and allow them to gain a sense of comfort in discussing issues about sexuality that are normally considered taboo. Another woman gave a comical interpretation of her opinions about the gynecologist. In a lo...

Monday, November 4, 2019


There are many accounts in the Bible that state God as the creator. Genesis 1 and 2 are both creation stories but slightly differ in their accounts; Genesis 1 is a day by day account of all the things God created in not so much detail whereas Genesis 2 explains the creation story in a way that focuses more on the creation of man and woman than just the lands. Having two accounts of the creation story means that it is easier to come up with your own conclusion as to how the earth was created. The first line of Genesis 1 is â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator. Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them† This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day. The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image. â€Å"Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after. Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was made, Genesis 2 speaks a whole lot more about the creation of humans rather than the land. The most time that the creation of land is mentioned is at the beginning of Genesis 2. â€Å"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-â€Å" This is the first thing said in Genesis 2 and it is stating that God is the creator. It says that God created both the heavens and the earth; there is never any question or vagueness about God creating the heavens and the earth it is all very matter of fact. Although Genesis 2 doesn’t always speak of God ‘creating’ things it often personifies God in such a way that he is planting or making objects. â€Å"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-â€Å" This quote doesn’t say that God created the trees but made them grow from the ground, this is essentially saying that He created them as it was the first sighting of trees but is said in a different way as so not to force the ‘creation’ down your throat like Genesis 1 does. This is so that you can come to your own conclusion about which one is more plausible or correct but there is still no doubt as to god being the creator. Job 38 from the Book of Job is a story of how Satan and God have a disagreement where Satan was saying that Job only worships God because he is prosperous in his life, God then agrees to take away all his possessions and leave him with nothing to show Satan that Job would still worship him even if he was left with nothing. Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar try to comfort Job but they end up doing the opposite and tell Job that the reason for all his losses is because he has sinned and now God is making him suffer. In the end Job has had enough and questions God, this makes God angry and then Job has a better understanding and realises that he should have trusted God all along. God then returns all of Jobs health and possession in better amounts than they previously were. This story is God showing his power and his superiority to humans. â€Å"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? † This is God saying that he is mightier than any human and they do not compare to His power. This is also showing that God is omnipotent and that we know nothing compared to him. This is all enforcing that God is the creator and better than all the humans. â€Å"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it’s place,† This is saying that God has dominance over everything in the world, humans and nature. After Gods account of all his majestic works (such as the world and humans) and power, Job has to acknowledge God’s right as creator to do as he pleases and to not be questioned. Job is essentially the personification of all humans who do not believe god as the creator, Job doubted God and his ability so god became angry; this is supposedly what happens every time someone doubts God. Psalm 8 is a song about the lord God and his creation. â€Å"You have set your glory above the heavens† While this quote form the first verse isn’t directly linked to God being the creator it is saying that God has stated his glory in a way that so far in this psalm we do not know yet, we know that God has glory which could mean he has done something great. â€Å"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers† Now we start to work out what it is that causes God to have glory, â€Å"the work of your fingers† we are literally told that God has made the heavens with his ‘fingers’. This personification of God shows that people saw him as one of them but also appreciated his greater power, this could possibly relate to humans being made in God’s image. â€Å"you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings† This quote is, like Job 38, stating God’s dominance over the humans. God made humans a little lower than heavenly beings so that they knew their place and that they were lesser than himself ‘the creator’.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Aerobic Respiration of germinating and non-germinating peas Lab Report

Aerobic Respiration of germinating and non-germinating peas - Lab Report Example It entailed the use of 25 germinating seeds and 25 non-germinating seeds of peas. The non-germinating seeds were used as a control experiment in the study. Its aim was to prove that respiration is a major process in the germination of seeds with CO2 as its byproduct. 25 germinating peas were obtained and dried between two pieces of paper towel. A thermometer was used to measure room temperature which was recorded in table1. The germinating peas were placed in the respiration chamber and a shaft of CO2 gas sensor placed in the opening of the chamber. After one minute carbon dioxide concentration was measured continuously for 5 minutes and results recorded. After 5 minutes, the CO2 gas sensor was removed and the peas placed in a 100 ml beaker full of cold water and an ice cube. Air was then channeled into the CO2 gas sensor for one minute through the probe shaft openings. The respiration chamber was then filled with water then emptied and dried thoroughly on the inside with a paper towel. The rate of respiration was then determined by moving the mouse pointer to the point where data values began to increase. The mouse pointer was then drugged with the left mouse button held down to the end of the data then released. The linear fit button was then clicked to perform a linear regression. The slope of the line was then recorded in table 2as m which is the rate of respiration for germinating peas at room temperature. The data was then moved to a stored run by choosing the store latest run from the experiment menu. There after 25 non-germinating peas were obtained and placed in the respiration chamber and the procedure repeated for the non-germinating peas. From the beginning before one minute elapsed immediately germinating peas placed in the respiration chamber and CO2 sensor placed, it was noted that the concentration of CO2 began to increase in smaller margin. After the one count, Co2 concentration